I find it incredibly ironic that Dave Griffiths, in his letter to the editor (March 2), disparages one of the GOP candidates for president as a serial liar, while inferring my support for that candidate.

I don’t presume to know to whom he is referring, but I do know who is the actual serial liar in the current race for president. That would be the failed Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.

In a Quinnipiac University poll of more than a thousand people (Republicans and Democrats alike), made in August of 2015, when asked to describe Clinton in one word, the replies included “liar,” “dishonest” and “untrustworthy” and the like.

As for Bernie Sanders, I feel sorry for anyone who is so ignorant of history or basic economics who thinks a socialist can deliver this nation to the promised land.

Sometimes facts are bitter pills.

Bill Sullivan, Buckfield

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