WILTON — Mascots Slugger and Crusher are coming to this year’s Wilton Blueberry Festival, and organizer Shannon Smith is looking for more sports figures.

The focus of the Aug. 5 and 6 festival is All About Sports, she said.

Slugger is the mascot for the Portland Sea Dogs and Crusher is the mascot for the Maine Red Claws. Both have confirmed they will be in the parade and attend a meet and greet that follows, she said.  

Smith is seeking ideas for athletes and people involved in their sports to invite to the event.

After initially selecting sports for the focus, she was thinking football, baseball and basketball. Then she got a call about hunting, fishing and racing.

“It has broadened,” she said, “and there is room for a lot more.”


It could be coaches, Hall of Famers, or people involved in everything from car racing to horse racing, she said.

Smith is seeking commitments now so she can promote the festival. Names will be added to the flier once they commit to attending, she said.

Anyone who knows sports people who might be interested in attending the festival is asked to contact her at 778-4726 or by email: scsmith.wbbf@gmail.com.


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