At Longley Elementary School, pre-k students didn’t want to take naps (Sun Journal, Feb. 16). They weren’t tired, they wouldn’t settle down. The state, however, required that when pre-k children spend six hours in school, one hour of rest is required.

Longley School, at the suggestion of teachers, requested a waiver. The state granted the waiver. Now, with the nap eliminated, the school schedule, previously 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., was changed and is now 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Longley eliminated a nap and shortened the school day to five hours.

That is not easily understood. If the day is now five hours long, not the six hours requiring an hour’s rest, why did Longley need a waiver?

I am certain the day has been shortened; certain that learning time has also been shortened. I am not so certain that teacher pay has been proportionately reduced. Does it remain the same with less effort?

One might think, since nap time has been waived and eliminated, the six-hour day might be maintained and the previous nap time might be used for additional educational activities, especially since the children are restless and not tired.

The children could and should be guided in playful learning. Maria Montessori, J. Piaget, Friedrich Froebel and others have variously described play as the work of children. That is how children learn.

At the Longley School, children need more playful learning time. It is the worst performing elementary school in the state. And yet Longley has reduced that learning time.

Richard Sabine, Lewiston

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