Our church group of crafters would like to participate in the craft fair for crafters to sell craft materials. I’ve lost the address and phone number from previous years. If the organizers could get in touch with me, or if you could publish the information, I’d appreciate it. And thanks; we love your column. Keep up the good work. — Vickie, Otisfield.
ANSWER: The Fabric and Craft Supply Fair is hosted by the High Street Congregational Church located at 106 Pleasant St. in Auburn. We’re waiting to hear the dates for the fair this year, but it typically takes place in April. The church’s phone number is 784-1306. Check the Sun Journal’s event page online or in the Encore Section of the printed editions for more information in the upcoming weeks.
DEAR SUN SPOTS: This is in response to the reader today looking for ukulele lessons. MSAD 52 Adult Ed (Greene/Leeds/Turner) is offering Ukulele lessons from April 27 to May 18 from 7 to 8 p.m. at Leavitt Area High School. The cost is $80, according to the adult ed book that arrived in the mail this week. MSAD52 Adult Ed can be reached at 225-1010. — No name, Greene.
DEAR SUN SPOTS: This is in answer to the lady looking for a tomato bisque recipe.
I grew up on a farm in the ’20s in a family of 12 people. My parents planted a huge garden and canned hundreds of jars of veggies and fruits. As well, we had our own cows, etc. My mother made tomato bisque often for supper, but with so many of us to feed, the ingredients were not measured precisely.
She used a quart jar of home-canned tomatoes and heated them with a bit (approximately one-quarter teaspoon) of baking soda until it boiled. While that was happening, she heated about two quarts of milk with salt and pepper and butter. When the milk was scalded, she added the tomatoes. That was the whole process, and it was delicious. — Barbara, Auburn.
DEAR SUN SPOTS: This is for H.C. in Turner who was looking for her mother’s tomato bisque recipe.
This has been in my family for more than 75 years.
Six fresh tomatoes or a large (two-pound) can of stewed tomatoes
One small onion, diced
One bay leaf, diced
One teaspoon powdered cloves
One large pinch of parsley
Two tablespoons of butter
Two tablespoons of flour
Two and a half cups of milk
One-half teaspoon baking soda
One teaspoon of hot water
Salt and pepper to taste
One pint of cold water plus two cups (no water if using canned tomatoes)
In a large saucepan, cook tomatoes, onion, bay leaf, parsley and cloves until tender. Sift out pulp if desired. Blend butter and flour in a sauce pan till smooth. Do not brown. Add hot tomatoes. Stir to boiling for about five minutes. Dissolve baking soda in teaspoon of hot water and add to tomatoes. Just before serving, add hot scalded milk.
Hope you enjoy. — Grandmother Flo, Auburn.
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