Several months ago I met with Sen. Angus King’s staff to support the proposed national park and national recreation area east of Baxter State Park.

The staff member mentioned that Sen. King had not made a decision about supporting the proposal, but would continue to listen to his constituents. I found that to be confusing. After all, poll after poll has shown that, just like me, the majority of his constituents — men, women, Republican, Democrat, young and old — support the proposal because of its conservation and economic value.

Despite polls, economic studies, thousands of petition signatures and countless letters in the papers (including an endorsement by the Bangor Daily News), Sen. King and the delegation have failed to introduce the necessary legislation.

In the face of this clear dismissal of the will of the majority of Mainers, park supporters have begun considering a national monument, the same path taken by Acadia. At the very least, King and his colleagues should support this path. So far, even that has not happened.

I am extremely disappointed that Sen. King and the other members of the delegation are ignoring the voices of the majority of their constituents, including the Second congressional District, in which the park would be located.

Voters did not elect the delegation as leaders only to have them shun a $100 million private gift, leaving the rural towns and economies of this state to flounder in the vacuum of a dying paper industry.

Wanda Sprague, Auburn

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