I am retired chief assessor for the city of Lewiston and served as a member of the 2013 Maine Non Profit Tax Review Task Force. This is in regard to the recent controversy surrounding Bates College students participating in the recent mayoral election.
Maine law appears to allow these “super” voters to decide to vote in Lewiston or their respective states. I imagine where they vote has a lot to do with whether there is currently a hot issue here in their Lewiston home, or in their away home.
I accept the fact that Bates College students have the right to vote here. I don’t advocate changing election laws, despite my displeasure with their participating in local elections.
I would, however, propose that state law be amended to allow for complete taxation of student housing under the literary and scientific exemption that colleges currently enjoy.
Classroom buildings, as well as buildings that can pass the straight-face literacy and scientific test, would continue to be exempt; only housing would be impacted. That way, students have some skin in the game.
Why should local property taxpayers subsidize municipal services for the local student voters?
I call on the Lewiston legislative delegation and City Council to support my request for fairness for all Lewiston citizens, especially the local taxpayers.
Joseph Grube, Lewiston
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