I just finished reading the Sunday Sun Journal (Dec. 13). Michael Sargent’s guest column was very informative. I was impressed with the amount of involvement of the Bates College students in the Lewiston-Auburn area. It makes a person feel good to see those young people taking an active role in the communities.

However, I am a bit confused here. How would a change in the municipal voting date work against the students? Are they not allowed to cast absentees ballots?

My suggestion would be to change the date to the first Tuesday in May. That would be a win-win solution. The snowbirds would be back, the students would still be around and it would be much safer for the elderly citizens. That should get more people to the polls.

Let’s face it, no matter how hard Public Works employees labor to make the streets and sidewalks safe in cold weather, there will remain unsafe areas, especially for senior citizens.

I came to Maine in 1965 and I believe that at that time, or soon after, the Lewiston municipal elections were held in June. The elections were most likely moved to November as a cost-saving measure.

Richard Jensen, Minot

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