DIXFIELD — The Board of Selectmen will continue discussing the proposed wind energy facility ordinance revisions during its meeting at 5:30 p.m. Monday, Dec. 14.

Patriot Renewables LLC of Quincy, Mass., approached town officials in October 2010 about constructing 13 turbines on leased land on Col. Holman Ridge.

The town passed a wind energy development ordinance in November 2012, but it contained zoning restrictions that were unenforceable. In November 2014, a revised ordinance was rejected. On June 9, the Planning Board’s original draft was also rejected.

In August, selectmen accepted a citizen petition to adopt for the ordinance the sound standards of the Maine Department of Environmental Protection, including a limit of 42 decibels at night and 55 decibels during the day.

Other items on the agenda included the following:

* Discussion of budget schedule for 2016.

* Maintenance agreement for MDOT traffic signal replacement project.

* Department head reports from Water, Police, Public Works and Sewer departments.


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