No, no and no to bringing Syrian refugees to the United States. There are many reasons.

One of the most important reasons is that the U.S. will not be able to do background checks on them. No one wants another Sept. 11. That could very well happen if it is not known what kind of people are coming into the U.S.

President Obama does not have much time left as president and he really can’t care less what happens. Obama and others who want to let the Syrian refugees into the U.S. will not be living near or around the refugees. If they were to live near them, they might change their minds.

The refugees would be eligible for a lot of welfare benefits. That could put a burden on cities and towns, even more than they now have. City and town officials can only cut back so much on other programs.

The federal government keeps sending millions and millions of dollars to other countries, even to countries whose residents don’t like or respect the U.S. And not all of that money reaches the people who are in need. Yet the U.S. keeps sending money to those countries.

I hope President Obama will do something good, for a change, for this country and not bring any Syrian refugees to the U.S.

Alan Girouard, Hartford

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