ANSWER: There is no public information available about “Nick the Intern” leaving WPOR or where he is working now. Vanna White has been married once and divorced, and is now reportedly engaged to marry John Donaldson but Sun Spots has not seen any wedding photos. Pat Sajak is divorced from his first wife. His second wife’s name is Lesly Brown Sajak and they have been married since 1989. The Detroit Tigers wore Spanish-language jerseys in their game against the Chicago White Sox as part of a Spanish fiesta celebration.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: The cure for shingles is cider vinegar. I had shingles for a whole month. I tried all medications to get rid of the pain. None worked well. I read in the book, “Folk Medicine,” by Dr. D. C. Jarvis about applying cider vinegar on shingles. I tried it and was healed. — Healed in Lewiston.

RESPONSE: Sun Spots cannot offer medical advice. While Sun Spots is glad that your suffering from shingles is over, we cannot say that cider vinegar was the cure. There are too many variables to say that this treatment will work on others, too. But thank you for sharing your experience. People should discuss this treatment with their doctors.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: You are the reason I buy or borrow a Sun Journal every day! You have provided this information before, but I’ve misplaced my copy of your column, and it might also have been outdated, so can you as soon as possible repeat your list of organizations who need the picture portions of used greeting cards, and recycle them for making other items? I’ve been weeding out paper and have quite a few to give so would appreciate an up-to-date list if you have one. Thank you for your extremely useful column in the paper. Happy holidays to you and your extended family. — Virginia in South Paris.

ANSWER: Sun Spots has not received queries for greeting cards in a while. The charity St. Jude’s Ranch for Children is still accepting those cards as well as selling the resulting product. You can read all about the program at

Some of the rules are:


* All types of greeting cards, including Christmas are used. The website says they currently have a need for birthday and thank-you cards.

* Only the card front can be used (please check to be sure the back side is clear of any writing, etc.)

* They cannot accept Hallmark, Disney or American Greeting cards.

* The 5- by 7-inch size or smaller is preferred.

Mail donations to St. Jude’s Ranch for Children, Recycled Card Program, 100 St. Jude’s St., Boulder City, NV 89005.

After refurbishing the cards, they sell the recycled cards. To shop, visit them online, write to the address above or call 877-977-7572.

Use the QR code to go to Sun Spots online for additional information and links. This column is for you, our readers. It is for your questions and comments. There are only two rules: You must write to the column and sign your name (we won’t use it if you ask us not to). Please include your phone number. Letters will not be returned or answered by mail, and telephone calls will not be accepted. Your letters will appear as quickly as space allows. Address them to Sun Spots, P.O. Box 4400, Lewiston, ME 04243-4400. Inquiries can be emailed to, tweeted @SJ_SunSpots or posted on the Sun Spots facebook page at This column can also be read online at We’ve joined Pinterest at

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