With the latest wave of terror hitting Europe, I have been seeing in the news the face of some deranged guy who was killed by police or possibly blew himself up. On CNN, FOX, other Maine stations, they are showing some guy smiling, acting normal and then the carnage he inflicted on innocent people.

ISIS immediately took “credit” for downing the flight to Russia and also for the people killed in Paris. They want the air time. They want their pictures shown all over the world, to use as a recruitment tool and to tell others that normal people can do unthinkable damage to others and communities.

I really don’t care what the person looks like who carries out those acts. If he is dead, good. He can join the others in his dream heaven. It does the world little good to show his picture, put him on the front page, shine the light upon him and even portray him smiling. That is what they want.

Perhaps the next suicide bomber can be shown plastered to a concrete wall or a bit of him hanging from a tree. Let those who want to emulate the man or woman see what they will look like after they pull the trigger or release the plunger.

The victims should be remembered. The warped killers should be put in the hole from which they crawled.

Tim Callahan, West Freeman Township

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