The U.S. Senate voted recently on a bill that would deny funding to “sanctuary cities.” Sen. Susan Collins voted for it, and Sen. Angus King voted against it.

The Stop Sanctuary Policies and Protect Americans Act was introduced in response to the July 1 killing of Kate Steinle in San Francisco by Francisco Sanchez, a five-time deported, seven-time convicted illegal alien felon.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement had issued a detainer — a request to hold Sanchez until ICE could take custody of him — but a San Francisco ordinance forbids law enforcement officials in San Francisco County from complying with ICE detainer requests. Sanchez was released and later killed Steinle.

This incident resulted in increased scrutiny of “sanctuary cities,” with the stunning revelation that there are now a total of 340 “sanctuary cities” (source: October 2015 release from the Center for Immigration Studies).

And yet, given an opportunity to do something about it, Sen. King voted against the bill.

In an e-mail to me, King wrote: “I am deeply concerned by the number of people who have been injured or killed by individuals who are not supposed to be in the country.”

Unfortunately, his “concern” never results in any positive action.

Sen. King is all bluster, obfuscation and photo ops.

Robert Casimiro, Bridgton

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