JAY — Police said a 15-year-old boy threatened to harm his parents and a police officer with a knife when police responded to a report of a juvenile out of control Monday at a Knapp Street residence.

Cpl. Jeffrey Fournier arrested the teenager on a felony charge of terrorizing with a dangerous weapon, Chief Richard Caton IV said Tuesday.

The boy threatened to cut his parents’ throats and watch them bleed, he said. The teen told Fournier to get out of the house or he would throw the knife at him and hit him in the head, Caton said.

Livermore Falls officer Michael Pina assisted Fournier at the scene.

Police used a Taser to incapacitate the boy temporarily, Caton said. The electroshock weapon did not take the boy to the ground but he did start complying with police orders after that, the chief said.

The boy was taken to Franklin Memorial Hospital in Farmington to be evaluated and transported to Mountain View Youth Development Center in Charleston.

The case will be handled through the juvenile corrections system.

The parents of the teen disputed the Police Department’s account.


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