The following is an excerpt from a letter I wrote that was published by the Sun Journal Aug. 31, 1997.

The Lisbon High Gym was built in 1952 (45 years ago). My class was the first to graduate from the facility and we felt privileged to use this state-of-the-art (at that time) building. Times have changed and this gym is now being referred to as the Barn, the Pits and a few other uncomplimentary names. It is shopworn, has an undersized basketball court and is compromised for use as an auditorium, sports arena and town gathering place. This building has very poor acoustical qualities and limited seating. Lisbon students should not have to “explain away” the shortcomings of this antiquated, outdated facility to visiting schools.

Now, 18 years later, I am writing because the finishing touches are being completed on a new gymnasium for Lisbon High School.

I never thought I would live to see the day that would happen. It has been 63 years since my class graduated from the old Lisbon gym.

Many thanks to the folks who never gave up on the idea of building a new gymnasium, and special kudos to the Lisbon School Committee with its “We have a plan” project, and to the Lisbon citizens who voted to build that beautiful, functional edifice.

Rae Lawrence, Lisbon Falls

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