This is in response to the front page article (Oct. 7) written about Poland toddler Colton Guay, who died because of E. coli.

I am a relative of Guay and I watched that horrible episode unfold from the beginning. I take offense at the article printed that states throughout the importance of being vigilant in washing a child’s hands and using hand sanitizer and other precautions so as to not contract this illness. There is so much advice in the article as to how to avoid the illness that it left me feeling there is an implication that the parents were negligent in trying to prevent the toddler from getting ill.

I just wish to point out that, according to his parents, that innocent little boy never once touched the animals and once home, his mother diligently washed his hands. The parents never once did anything contrary to the advice given by the CDC and yet he still contracted E. coli.

Yes, it is important to use preventive measures but sometimes — even when someone does all the right things — bad things can still happen.

Anita Dube, Lewiston

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