DEAR SUN SPOTS: The Lisbon United Methodist Church recently bought new choir robes and would like to donate the old ones to a local church or non-profit organization. There are 15 dark green robes in a variety of sizes and all in very good condition. Interested parties can contact the church at 207-353-4982 or email Thank you for your community service.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: Does anyone know when or where The Doctors tv show is playing? It used to be at 4 p.m. on channel 6 WCSH. We enjoyed this show, but now we miss it. — No Name via online submission form.

ANSWER: Mike Marshall, vice president of programming and marketing at WCSH 6 / WLBZ 2 reported that “The Doctors is now on a different television station — WPXT 51 at 4 p.m.”

DEAR SUN SPOTS: A couple of weeks ago the co-host of “Dancing With the Stars,” Erin Andrews, commented that she was from Lewiston, Maine! What do we know about her? She has such a great personality and adds so much to that show, but I was surprised to hear that. — Beverly via online submission form.

ANSWER: According to published reports, Erin was born May 4, 1978 in Lewiston, Maine. Her mother was a teacher and her father a TV journalist. She moved to Tampa, Florida with her family when she was a young girl. She attended school and college in Florida. She has been employed in news media since 2000, starting at Fox Sports Florida before moving on to ESPN and then FOX Sports. She makes guest appearances on talk shows and does charitable work for several organizations. In 2008 she was stalked and has since worked to enact a federal anti-stalking law. She lives in Los Angeles, California.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: The Post 31 Ladies Auxiliary will hold an inside vendor and craft sale from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday Oct. 24, at the Post, 426 Washington St. North, Auburn. Tables are available to rent for $15 without electricity and $20 with electricity. Call Raedelle Knight at 207-212-3186 to reserve a table. For general information, call 207-783-6992 from 3-7 p.m. Monday-Saturday. Thank you.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: Mountain View Chapter No. 197, Order of the Eastern Star in Buckfield, will host Trunk or Treat in the Buckfield Town Office parking lot, from 4-7 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 31. Any church or organization is welcome to reserve a spot, decorate your trunk or tailgate, and do some outreach as you pass out treats to the little goblins. It’s free, but you must reserve in advance. Businesses are invited to craft a ribbon or certificate and award prizes to your favorite displays. All ghoulies and ghosties age 14 and younger are invited to trick or treat with their parents in this safe location. The event will move indoors if it rains. There will be games to play and a free photo booth. Bring chairs and plan to have supper, as we will offer delicious food, beverages and dessert. Email Kathy at or call 207-212-9438.

Use the QR code to go to Sun Spots online for additional information and links. This column is for you, our readers. It is for your questions and comments. There are only two rules: You must write to the column and sign your name (we won’t use it if you ask us not to). Please include your phone number. Letters will not be returned or answered by mail, and telephone calls will not be accepted. Your letters will appear as quickly as space allows. Address them to Sun Spots, P.O. Box 4400, Lewiston, ME 04243-4400. Inquiries can be emailed to, tweeted @SJ_SunSpots or posted on the Sun Spots facebook page at This column can also be read online at We’ve joined Pinterest at

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