As I write, this country is in a critical downward spiral.
The people in this country need to listen to the debates and three major programs on Fox News that talk about what is going on in the world that everyone needs to be concerned about.
Civil unrest is going on right now and it is a growing concern for all cities.
People should ask themselves if they want to lose home and family. It doesn’t matter to those who voted for Barack Obama because “we needed a change.” The change happened, didn’t it? It is quite obvious that Obama’s supporters loved the change so much that they voted him in again.
People who don’t watch the political news are the ones who are killing this country, along with those who refuse to vote
Voters have one chance to save this country and it is between three candidates: Donald Trump, Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina. People should watch the top tier Fox News shows, watch the debates; vote the way they want (if they vote).
Everyone should vote who can, but when people hold that pencil in hand and are going through the choices, they should choose carefully because they could hold the key to the destruction of this wonderful, beautiful, free country.
Marjorie Rose, Livermore Falls
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