AUBURN — The Auburn Public Library has announced a new series of programs called Conversations: A Multifaith Perspective.

Each of the four monthly roundtable discussions will be held from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. on the first Tuesday of the month at the Auburn Public Library, beginning Tuesday, Oct. 6, and continuing into January 2016.

The first roundtable will discuss “The Tree of Life vs. The Tree of Knowledge.”

The public is invited to attend as clergy of different faiths discuss different interfaith topics.

The idea for these discussions started when the new rabbi of Temple Shalom in Auburn, Sruli Dresdner, met and spent a week with his colleagues at the Maine Police Academy, sponsored by the Auburn Police Department’s Chaplaincy Program: Pastor Roger Cousineau of East Auburn Baptist Church, the Rev. Doctor Jody Cohen Hayashida of First Universalist Church in New Auburn and Pastor Richard Waller of the Auburn Church of the Nazarene.

The audience will have an opportunity to ask questions, which must be written down on the paper provided.

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