The people of Lewiston deserve a respectful, attentive mayor to lead the city into its next transformation. It is time to elect a young, smart, energetic, positive mayor for Lewiston, and Ben Chin is that person.

He has big plans and is not afraid to speak publicly about them. Lewiston is on the cusp of blossoming and it needs a positive leader at the helm to attract new businesses and families to the area.

Chin is a 30-year-old family man who graduated from Bates College. As a student, he saw a need in the community, so he rolled up his sleeves and went to work.

He could have gone anywhere — he has the education and opportunity to do so — but he saw the potential in this city and made a commitment to stay here and put down roots.

On Nov. 3, I will support Ben Chin for Lewiston’s mayor.

Margaret Craven, Lewiston

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