RESPONSE: Sun Spots suggests that whoever picks up the piano bring the manpower, tools and vehicle.

HI SUN SPOTS: Thanks for all you do! I have a couple questions I hope you can help me with. First, didn’t people used to use alum when pickling, and if so, why not anymore? And if they do, where would one find alum? Second, does anyone anywhere still sell the Chobani individual strawberry yogurt that isn’t the 0 percent? — Your friendly neighborhood Infomooch.

ANSWER: Alum is still sold at Walmart and Hannaford under the McCormick brand name in the spice section. Taste of Home informs that, “According to the USDA, alum may still safely be used to firm fermented cucumbers, but it does not improve the firmness of quick-process pickles. If you use good-quality ingredients and follow current canning methods, alum is not needed. If you do use alum, do not use more than 1/4 teaspoon per quart of pickling liquid. Excess will cause bitterness.”

Sun Spots was able to determine that these stores carry Chobani but you would need to call each store to learn if they have the flavor and type you want and if it is in stock on the day of your visit: Hannaford (Auburn 207-784-6497), Shaw’s (Auburn 207-784-6971), Target (Augusta 207-622-8000), and Walgreens (Augusta 207-629-9401). A few years ago Chobani was pulled from many store shelves due to a mold contamination.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: I have two “old-fashioned” probably 1930s-era maple arm chairs in good condition but in need of slip covers. The slip covers usually used on this type of chair are made of knitted-type material, like a bag with elastic closure. The chair cushions slip inside much like a pillow case on a bed. They’re inexpensive (or at least, used to be), have no particular pattern, and can be washed like regular laundry.

Local Walmart and Reny don’t carry them; online advertisers seem to carry only linen and similar material which are pretty but much more expensive. Not 2000s style, of course, but I would like to have them. You seem to have sources unknown to amateurs like me, so I’m hoping you may be able to find these. Thank you so much for the wonderful services you provide to us, and for your willingness to search for the “hard-to-find” that leave the rest of us stymied.


ANSWER: Sun Spots listed these upholsterers in a January column.

* Decorating Plus, Gray, 207-784-0173, 207-657-8103

* Hill’s Upholstery 346 Lewiston Road, Topsham, 207-725-2485

* Leo’s Custom Auto Upholstery, 300 Cressey Road, Monmouth,, 207-782-3822

* Maine Correctional Center in Windham, work done by inmates learning new work skills, 17 Mallison Falls Road, Windham, ME 04062, 207-893-7000.

* Mary’s Upholstery, Route 196 in Topsham, 207-353-7638, recovers living room sets, chairs, boat cushions, snowmobile seats, etc.

* Alan Osborn, a third-generation upholsterer, wide service area, Rosemarie Osborn,, 207-388-2007

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