This is in rebuttal to Norman Smith’s letter to the editor of Sept. 9.

Obama, with intent, chose to launch his presidential campaign in Bill Ayer’s home, the one responsible for bombing one of our federal buildings. It would do well for Mr. Smith to read Obama’s self-revealing books: “Dreams of My Father,” and “The Audacity of Hope.”

Obama charmingly pulled the wool over many people’s eyes to be elected. Charm was also effective in the Garden of Eden.

He pushed the Iran catastrophic one-sided deal with only 21 percent of the country approving. While Iran shouts “Death to America” and labels us “The Great Satan,” Obama calls Khamenei “The Supreme Leader.” Iran also threatens that Israel won’t be here in 25 years. And the lifting of sanctions would allow Iran to fuel radical terrorists and accelerate their nuclear agenda.

Obama wanted this corrupt “deal” to go through before he got out of office to compliment his legacy. This, with his other failed policies, cover-ups, delays and deceitful administration have become a detriment to his legacy. The question is: Whose side is he on?

People react accordingly to liberalism’s looser policies, tending to defile our nation’s society and culture. According to the Gospel of Matthew: “You will know them by their fruits.”

As a lawless president, Obama is fulfilling her narcissist ideological agenda by executive orders or fiat (an authoritative order or degree — let it be done).

Who’s still drinking his Kool-Aid?

Neil Bourgoin, Jay

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