LISBON — The Town Council urged residents Thursday night to go to the polls Tuesday, Sept. 22, to vote on the school budget.

It will be the third attempt to pass a spending plan for 2015-16.

Polling hours are 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Ward 1 voters will cast ballots at the superintendent’s office gymnasium at 19 Gartley St.; Ward 2 voters will cast ballots at the MTM Community Center, 16 School St.

“For those of you out there in TV land, please come out and vote,” Councilor Roger Bickford said as he looked at the camera that records meetings.

The agenda for Thursday night’s special council meeting mostly revolved around amendments to the town charter. Voters will weigh in on them Nov. 3.

The most contentious amendments were three that eliminate term limits for the chairmen of the Town Council, Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals.


The charter limits chairmen to two consecutive one-year terms. The amendments, which councilors approved 4-1, remove the limit. Bickford, Chairman Dillon Pesce, Eric Metivier and Chris Brunelle voted in favor. Councilor Mark Lunt opposed. Gregg Garrison and Dale Crafts were absent.

Several attendees objected to the council’s decision.

“We’re changing the charter again,” Larry Fillmore said. “It’s been altered so many times there’s no protection for the people anymore.”

“Keep your comments to what we’re talking about,” Council Chairman Dillon Pesce cautioned. 

The chairman handles the meetings and it’s a critical position, Fillmore said. “It should be limited to two terms so we have a diversity in leadership.”

A member of the Planning Board said the intent is to preserve the balance of power. Term limits encourage others to step up and take on some of the work, she said.


Another Planning Board member said members were disappointed they had not been consulted on amendments involving the Planning Board.

Pesce apologized.

All other amendments passed 5-0. They are:

* Increase the amount the School Committee can spend for capital equipment without voter approval from $100,000 to $250,000, but get council approval for spending between $100,000 and $250,000. 

* Define capital improvement construction projects as those costing more than $25,000. The current threshold is $10,000.

* Change the date for submission of the annual five-year capital plan from January to May.

* Change all gender-specific terminology in the charter to gender-neutral terminology.

The amendments will go to voters Nov. 3, the same day as council and School Committee elections are held. The deadline for residents to submit their name for the ballot is Monday, Sept. 21.

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