FARMINGTON — Franklin County commissioners are considering a number of policies, including those for credit card use, computer use and purchases. 

County Clerk Julie Magoon presented a draft policy on computer use and the to commissioners Sept. 1. Most municipalities have policies, and IT Systems Director James Desjardins has recommended the county have one.

Several policies already in place in other municipalities have been reviewed, Magoon said.

Commission Chairman Gary McGrane of Jay said he liked the policy, except for a few minor items. He said he liked that employees cannot use alternative software other than what’s installed by the county.

The need for a policy came to light after a virus got into the system because someone was using Facebook and should not have been, Magoon said.

As soon as Desjardins saw that, he said, “We need a policy,” she said.


Treasurer Pam Prodan also recommended the development of a credit card use policy.

“I would strongly support adoption of a credit card policy,” she said.

There is only one credit card issued, and it’s in the treasurer’s name, Prodan said. Department heads have the credit card number to use for purchases, she said.

When the credit card bill comes in, there is very limited information pertaining to purchases. It takes a lot of time to track down more information about the purchases, she said.

Department heads and those authorized to use it are supposed to fill out a purchase order and provide invoices to the treasurer or deputy treasurer.

“I would like to know who has access to the credit card,” Commissioner Charles “Charlie” Webster said.


Register of Probate Joyce Morton said she uses the card for postage on passports. She brings the invoice to the treasurer.

“I just think it would be good to have some rules,” Prodan said. She also said the policy should include who has access to the card.

One credit card bill Deputy Treasurer Vickie Braley saw was $7,000, the highest she has ever seen, she said.

Webster said he would also like to see who has cellphones. The biggest complaint he hears is there are too many people who have cellphones and it’s costing taxpayers money, he said.

Commissioners agreed that a purchase policy also needs to be developed.

Commissioners also discussed updating the policy on bids.


McGrane said he noticed that a few hundred-thousand dollars was spent on Baker Hill Road and the project never went out to bid.

Currently it’s required that anything costing more than $10,000 be put out to bid. Magoon said she would like to see a policy that also determines when quotes are required to purchase items under that amount. The policy should also include when the smaller purchases included in the budget need to come before commissioners for approval, she said.

In other business, commissioners voted to award a contract for snow removal for 12.89 miles in Madrid Township to Alan Brisard of Madrid Township. He was the only bidder.

He has done the job in the past, Magoon said. The contract is for five years contract, with the option to renew each year.

Commissioners also voted to award contracts for snow removal to E.L. Vining & Son of Farmington for Church and Anson streets and the Sheriff’s Office complex, including the jail. The company’s bid was $12,716; Western Maine Excavation & Snow Removal of Industry bid $13,400.

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