LIVERMORE — Before Monday’s board of select persons’ meeting, applications for the Pollard Scholarship were reviewed. Nine residents submitted applications this year. After verifying each submission met all requirements, Kaitlyn Townsend was selected, by drawing, as this year’s recipient.  

Townsend will receive $1,000 from the Pollard Scholarship. She is senior at the University of Maine Orono where she is studying Business Administration and Management in the University of Maine Business School. Townsend transferred from Central Maine Community College last year and was on the Dean’s List at Orono both semesters she has been there.

Townsend first attended Central Maine Community College to save money. She was there three years, graduating in May 2014 with a degree in Business Management. She was an Honor or High Honors student every semester. Townsend is a member of the American Marketing Association.

The Pollard Scholarship tradition began in 1980 after a box of letters left by Augustus Pollard was opened. Those papers showed he had left money to establish a scholarship fund. The money was invested so that each year a Livermore resident may be assisted towards their pursuit of higher education. 

Eligibility requirements include: providing a statement explaining why the applicant is seeking assistance; proving the person has been a Livermore resident for at least five years; and providing proof of having successfully completed one unit at the school of their choice (a transcript or statement from advisor).

Pollard Scholarship recipients must wait a year after winning before reapplying to be fair to all applicants.

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