LIVERMORE FALLS — Revising the town’s 13-year-old comprehensive plan kicked off Wednesday night when the Planning Board met with senior planner John Maloney of the Androscoggin Valley Council of Governments.

The first session was devoted to focusing on what changed in the town since the 2002 plan, what’s the same, and what could change during the next decade.

Preliminary steps to revision work included a survey of residents during last month’s History Night. Planning Board member Robin Beck said this first of at least two surveys that will be conducted showed that a majority of people like the location of the town and its small-town feel. Highly-rated were Livermore Falls’ annual History Night and the Apple Pumpkin Festival, as well as live music performed at the gazebo during the summer months.

On the flip side, nearly 25 percent of survey respondents objected to the number of unkempt properties in the town, as well as the high number of empty storefronts and the lack of employment opportunities.

Residents would like to see are the establishment of more retail businesses, including a movie theater, and a greater police presence that would include more police on foot patrol.

Residents highly emphasized their desire for the availability of the riverfront on the Androscoggin River, greater use of the recreational fields, additional youth activities and the overall belief that some of the historic homes should be repaired or maintained.


Beck said a second survey soon will go out to local businesses.

“After that, we’ll decide what’s next,” she said.

During his initial meeting with the Planning Board on Wednesday night, Maloney said the designated downtown area, which roughly extends from the railroad tracks on one end of the build-up area to the other, as well as the town’s participation in the tax increment financing plan hinged to Central Maine Power Company’s expansion, should be included in a new comprehensive plan. Also, since the 2002 plan was adopted, Livermore Falls no longer has any schools located within its borders.

The Planning Board agreed to review and make suggested changes to each section of the current plan, then send them to Maloney.

“You can retain parts of the old plan, such as the natural resources, and update transportation changes,” he told the board. “Don’t be afraid to call me if you come to a stumbling block.”

Questions also arose regarding the amount of acreage and number of farmers in agricultural work.


Ron Chadwick, a member of the Comprehensive Plan Committee that wrote the 2002 version, said the town had a great number of acres in tree growth at that time.

Code Enforcement Officer James Butler Jr. said he and the Planning Board, with the assistance of Maloney, will work on a draft comprehensive plan over the next few months.

“A lot has changed since 2002,” Butler said.

Tentative plans are to have a revised plan ready for a public vote next June.

The next Planning Board meeting, which will include continued work on the comprehensive plan, will take place at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 19.

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