AUBURN — The School Committee will tackle the growing costs of special education Wednesday in an executive session workshop and during the public meeting, which begins at 7 p.m.

During recent budget sessions, several members, including Chris Langis, questioned the spiraling costs of special education for out-of-district students. It was the single largest new expense in the budget at about $700,000.

With a city charter cap that meant property taxes could not rise more than 1.8 percent, the special education costs ate up most of the allowed increase.

Langis recently asked about holding a special meeting to delve into the costs, saying they’re too high. “The board agreed,” Superintendent Katy Grondin said.

“We will have a workshop in executive session so that confidential, specific stories about students can be shared” to help explain costs.

In the public meeting, appropriate information will be shared, Grondin said. Explaining special education programs and laws will be special education directors Laurie Lemieux and Daphne Grant.

Special education “is a hard subject to understand,” Grondin said. “The school attorney is coming to share regulations, laws, that if you have a child who qualifies for services, you must provide the services.” The meeting will provide committee members and the public “a great opportunity to have a conversation.”

The meeting will be held in the City Council Chamber of Auburn Hall.

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