Turner Highlands

Senior League

Roger Deschaine & Marcel Goulette +4, Mac Mac Dormand & John Richey +3

Couple League

1st Gross Tony & Sue Towns 36 Gross, 2nd Gross Russell & Debra Lalemand 36, 3rd Gross Ken Shaw & Joyce Sarchi 36; 1st Net Mark McCabe & Karen Richardson 25, 2nd Net Paul & Jan Cutter 27, 3rd Net Maurice & Barbara Moreau 27; Closest to the pin # 4 Kim Reardon 5 feet 7 inches; Closest to pin # 8 Tony Towns 2 feet.

Hole in one


Phyllis Ray of Martindale scored a hole in one during the Southern Maine Golf Outing on June 30. She used 9 iron the 15the hole. Witnesses were Pat Ruthborne and Dottie Jones from Brunswick golf course and Sylvia Leblanc from Poland Spring Golf Course.

The Meadows

Friday Skins Game

Skins won (gross): Jay Wells Hole #12, Rich Close Hole #13, Spencer Allen Hole #16; Skins won (net): Joanne Landry Hole #17, Gene Reny Hole #18; Closest to the pin, hole #15: Lee Snyder 4’5”, Jeff Freeman 17’ 4”; Closest to the pin, hole #17: Spencer Allen 16’, Dana Crocker 18’4”

WMSGA at Toddy Brook

GROSS: Flight 1 Cecily Whiting 75, Sally Williams 85. Flight 2 Darlene Soboleski 95, Pearl St. Pierre 97. Flight 3 Gail Swanton 100, Judy Edgecomb 106. NET: Flight 1 Ewa Prokopiuk 71, Vicki Lindquist 71. Flight 2 Kathy Sproul 72, Donna Hanson74. Flight 3 Doreen Robinson 71, Barbara Pray 76. Gross Skins: Hole 2 Sally Williams 3, Hole 3 Cecily Whiting 3, Hole 10 Traci Beier 3, Hole 11 Traci Beier 2, Hole 12 Cecily Whiting 4, Hole 13 Cecily Whiting 4, Hole 14 Cecily Whiting 3, Hole 17 Cecily Whiting 5, Hole 18 Cecily Whiting 2. Net Skins: Hole 6 Meriby Sweet 1, Hole 7 Cindy Shaw 3, Hole 8 Donna Hanson 2, Hole 16 Doreen Robinson 1. Pins: Hole 4 Susie Gravel, Hole 6 Meriby Sweet.


Ladies League 2 Ball Blind Draw

Net: 1. Claire Morin, Jill Longstaff 28; 2. Judy Corkum, Nancy Sage 30; 2. Jean Pratt, Linda Mynahan 30; 2. Cheryl Harrington, Rachel Newman 30; Gross: 1. Debbie Murphy, Holly Cooper 38; Pin: #2 Holly Cooper 20’9″; #8 Claire Morin 11′.

2 Ball Ball Blind Draw and Pins and Skins

Net: 1. Brad Pattershall, Matt Hopkins 56; 2. Jim Murphy, Ron Leeman 57, Joe Mertzel, Tim Mynahan 57; Gross: 1. Trent Murphy, John Goulet 72; 1. Fred Waner, Rick Shea 72; Pins: #2 Dave Kus 27’11”; #8 Ron Wing 15’1″; #13 Rick Shea 12’4″; #15 Bill Crane 30’1″; Skins, gross: #3 Truman Libby, #8 Ron Leeman, #9 Brad Pattershall, #13 Brandon Marcotte, #18 John Goulet; Net: #6 Matt Hopkins, #18 John Goulet

Flag Tournament and skins and pins and long drives

Net: 1. Joe Mertzel, 2. Jay Levasseur, 3. Rick St. Laurent, 4. Ray Roy, 5. Joe Pietroski, 6. Debbie Murphy, 7. John Hodgkins; 8. Rick Shea; Gross: 1. Mike Burian, 2. Fred Warner, 3. Brandon Marcotte, 4. Bob Kent, Tie: Ron Leeman; Pins: #2 Fred Warner 2’8″, #8 Scott Bubier 5’1″, #13 Joe Mertzel 3′, #15 Matt Beckim 5’11”;  Long Drives: black, Mike Burian; Blue Dick Therrien; green, Debbie Murphy. Skins, Gross: #7 Debbie Murphy, #8 Scott Bubier, #9 Dave Cowan, #11 John Paradis, #18 Rick Shea; Net: #2 Patti Ayotte, #7 Debbie Murphy, #8 Scott Bubier, #9 Dave Cowan, #10 Jay Levasseur, #11 John Paradis, #13 Patti Ayotte, #18 Rick Shear

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