OXFORD — Selectmen unanimously awarded a $6,500 bid to a South Portland company to install sewer piping at the north end pump station Thursday evening. 

The bid from Ferguson Waterworks was the lowest of three the town received for the work, which is slated to replace the deteriorating infrastructure at the current station between Applebee’s and Hannaford. The station services sewer for businesses north of Pottle Road. 

At its previous meeting two weeks ago, selectmen authorized two bids totaling $19,000 for foundation walls, a floor slab, concrete footings and a small building to house the plumbing. 

A project completion date was not known. 

In other business, selectmen unanimously reappointed current Planning Board members Stuart Davis, Walt Mosher and Dennis Fournier to three-year terms. Gerald Nicklaus was appointed as an alternate. 


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