ANSWER: Sun Spots received a press release from the city of Lewiston that stated: The Longley Bridge is sporting patriotism due to a flag donation from the Liberty Festival paid in part by sponsors. The goal of the flag placement is to have them annually on the bridge from mid-May to shortly after July 4. In particular, the flag placement will celebrate Memorial Day, Flag Day, and Independence Day.
DEAR SUN SPOTS: The Progress Center, United Way of Oxford County, and Healthy Oxford Hills have teamed up to host an Empty Bowl Project event this coming fall. The three organizations are currently looking for small- to medium-sized pottery bowls for the event. Proceeds from the event will go to fund programs that help those who face food insecurity in Oxford County. In total, the agencies are looking for over 300 donated bowls. If you are interested in donating some bowls or to learn more about the Empty Bowl Project, please either call Kim Preble at United Way of Oxford County at 207-743-5833 or Miranda Ward at the Progress Center at 207-743-8049. We greatly appreciate any donation. Thank you!
DEAR SUN SPOTS: I’ve always wanted to participate in a butterfly release in memory of my mother who passed away. Are there any organizations that do this that are open to the public? Thank you. — No Name, No Town.
ANSWER: Androscoggin Home Care & Hospice holds a Butterfly Release Celebration to remember and honor loved ones by dedicating a butterfly. The 2015 Celebration will take place on Saturday, Aug. 8, at The Hospice House on Stetson Road in Auburn. Rain date is Aug. 9. Guests will share memories, enjoy music and light refreshments. The highlight of the celebration will be the mass release of hundreds of butterflies.
All community members are welcome to dedicate a butterfly in memory of a loved one. No prior affiliation with hospice is needed. Dedications include the release of a butterfly and the names of those being honored will be read at the event and listed in the program booklet. There will also be a raffle table as well as kids’ crafts the day of the event. The celebration begins at 11 a.m. Butterfly dedications are $25 each, one name per butterfly, and all proceeds directly support Hospice patient care and family support services for those in need. Dedications must be received before July 24 for inclusion in the program booklet.
For more information, contact the AHCH Development Department at or 207-795-9428.
DEAR SUN SPOTS: The Progress Center will host an “Early Bird Gets the Worm” craft/vendor/yard sale from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, June 27, at 35 Cottage Street in Norway. The Progress Center is a non-profit agency that provides support services to adults and children with developmental, intellectual and physical disabilities. We are seeking donated items in good condition for the sale. Or you can rent a space to sell your own items or make a cash donation. Call 207-743-8049 ext. 266 for details. Thank you.
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