AUGUSTA — On the same day Republican Gov. Paul LePage said he was following through on his promise to veto every Democratic-sponsored bill that comes to his desk, he let a bill by Rep. Michel Lajoie, D-Lewiston, go into law without his signature on Monday.

LePage spokeswoman Adrienne Bennett provided the information about the bill that LePage did not veto, but declined Tuesday morning to comment about why.

LePage said during a May 29 news conference at the Blaine House that he would veto every Democratic-sponsored bill until Democrats support his plan for a statewide referendum that would ask Mainers if they want to repeal the state’s income tax. LePage’s bill to do that failed 82-64 Monday in the House of Representatives and hours later, LePage vetoed 10 Democratic sponsored bills with identical veto letters for each.

“As promised, I am vetoing all bills sponsored by Democrats because they have stifled the voice of Maine citizens by preventing them from voting on the elimination of the income tax,” LePage wrote.

LD 697, sponsored by Rep. Michel Lajoie, D-Lewiston, went into law on Monday. It has to do with the inspection of steam boilers at schools and the inspection and insuring of amusement rides.

LD 697 passed the Legislature as an emergency bill and will take effect immediately.

LePage’s bill regarding the income tax elimination referendum is scheduled to be debated Tuesday in the Senate, where it is expected win support because Republicans hold a 20-15 majority in that chamber. That would leave the two chambers in disagreement.

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