We are looking for donations which can be brought to the Town Hall at 6 p.m. Friday, June 19, or to the town office during regular office hours. We have storage in the town garage and the barn of the museum. Call Rosie at 207-597-2270, Polly at 207-597-2368, Leanne at 207-357-8144 or Doreen at 207-224-7147 for more information. Thank you in advance for any donations and we hope you stop by to check out the merchandise.
DEAR SUN SPOTS: What is the cost of a very large candle, six inches high and six inches wide, and where can we find one (three-wick pillar candle with stand)?
Do you think Gediman appliance will ever come back? They really were very good. We miss them.
Carter Calvert sings like Patsy Cline and a boy from Texas sings like Elvis — how come we don’t hear about them? I don’t know the boy’s name. — No Name, Lewiston.
ANSWER: Sun Spots found several stores that carry three-wick candles and stands sold separately. The stores include Kmart, Walmart and Bed, Bath & Beyond in Auburn and Dollar General stores. The prices vary at each store and some stores sell several different brands. Walmart has a set of three three-wick candles but they are five-inches high by five-inches wide for $23.97. The stands are sold separately and come in different styles and prices. Some of the three-wick candles are sold in glass jars and others are without jars. There may be local businesses that sell three-wick candles.
The former owners of Gediman’s, Peter and Serrene Gagnon, planned to file for bankruptcy, according to news reports. We do not know if they plan to open a new store, but that is nice of you to speak well of them. Perhaps they will write to Sun Spots of their plans.
As for your last question, Carter Calvert has a publicist and there are many sources that mention her singing talent. As for the boy who sings like Elvis, Sun Spots would need his name to begin a search for information.
DEAR SUN SPOTS: I have many craft supplies I need to get rid of and would like to donate them to an organization that works with youth, disabled or mentally challenged. I have seen the type of organizations listed in your column in the past but it was some time ago. Could you check your rollodex for such organizations? — Lucy W., Auburn.
ANSWER: Please contact these organizations to find out what items they can use as their needs change over time.
Newborns in Need, Androscoggin County Chapter Director Denise Pettengill, Lewiston@newbornsinneed.org, 207-795-6538, fabric, batting, thread, yarn, and crochet and knitting needles.
Tree Street Youth, Lewiston, Julia Sleeper at 207-577-6386,any craft supplies.
Boys & Girls Club, 43 Second St., Auburn, 207-782-2446, Andie Hannon, club unit director, quilting program.
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