TURNER — Representatives of several cemeteries in town attended Monday night’s selectmen meeting to ask for financial assistance.

Raynard Gilbert and Jim Talbot said interest on cemetery trust funds has not provided enough income to cover expenses.

Selectmen asked the cemetery trustees to form a committee and present a request at the next selectmen meeting. There was general agreement among selectmen to help maintain the cemeteries if sufficient money remains in the town’s contingency fund.

Selectmen said the associations should present a request to the Budget Committee by December for inclusion in next year’s budget.

Board of Selectmen Chairman Kurt Youland said he believed the town can take control of a cemetery if the cemetery association transfers its funds to the town. He asked Town Manager Kurt Schaub to investigate legal requirements for a town to take over maintenance of a cemetery.

Schaub cautioned selectmen about the potential headaches of running a cemetery, and suggested they help with maintenance but not take control.


The town is mandated to maintain all veterans’ graves and there are many. The town pays cemetery associations a small fee to maintain them and purchases flags that volunteers place on all veterans’ graves for Memorial Day.

In other action before the selectmen, fire Chief Michael Arsenault reported on the recent courtesy inspection made by the state Department of Labor as part of the SafetyWorks! program. He said he has taken steps to correct all of the deficiencies noted by the inspectors. Most of the defects are related to incomplete paperwork, new members who had not completed their basic training and obsolete equipment that did not meet standards.

Rescue Chief Toby Martin reported that revenues for his department are running ahead of predictions. Martin also praised Deputy Chief Lisa Bennett for organizing the first Rescue Department open house.

It was reported that a new sign has been installed at the Fire/Rescue Station. The sign is dedicated to former Rescue Chief Laurel Gagne, who gave more than 40 years of service to the town, and to Cliff Jordan, who served the Fire Department for 38 years.

The selectmen went into executive session to discuss fiscal 2016 staffing plans with members of the Fire and Rescue departments.

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