From the pages of the Livermore Falls Advertiser  

75 years ago:  

At the request of several of the local merchants and others, The Advertiser, starting next week, will be published one day later, and will go on sale on the news stands on Wednesday evening instead of Tuesday.

Merchants requesting this change feel that this will give them a better opportunity to secure week-end specials for their customers.

Nearly all the other weekly papers throughout the state are published on Thursday and Friday. Until the past decade, The Advertiser had been published Thursday.

Commencement exercises of Livermore Falls High School will be held Wednesday and Thursday of this week when 45 seniors will receive their diplomas. Class Day exercises will be held Wednesday afternoon followed by the Senior Dance that evening. Graduation will take place Thursday afternoon. All events will be held in Murray Hall.


Three candidates are seeking nomination for Representative to the State Legislature from this district at the June Primaries. George Grua, the present Representative, is seeking re-election and will be opposed by Wallace E. Day of Brettuns.

Antonio Chiaravalotti, who sought election to the office two years ago, is the unopposed Democratic candidate.

Lorraine and Gertrude Bergeron had perfect attendance in school this year. They attend the Stubbs Mills school in Moose Hill.

50 years ago:  

On Sunday morning, the Livermore Falls Fire Department went to the Charlie Jackson house at the top of Butter Factory Hill and having had proper clearance proceeded to burn the house down.

This house which is known to many as the old Butter Factory was just that many years ago. That is how Depot Street Hill got its name of Butter Factory Hill.


The house which was run down was in the way of the road being constructed to the new housing project on the former Edgar Jones farm and it had to be moved, torn down, or burned. The latter method was used.

This area was swept by a tornado-like wind, followed by rain, at about 4 p.m. Thursday afternoon of last week. Both alive and dead limbs were broken from trees and fell across utility wires and highways.

At the residence of Clifton Thompson, on the Wilton Road in North Jay, a large elm was uprooted. It fell on a boat and trailer, a 1959 4-door sedan and then onto Thompson’s home. The  boat was totally demolished. Minor damage was done to the automobile and house.

The annual 8th Grade Promotion Party supper was held Wednesday evening in the grammar school cafeteria with the superintendent and members of the Board of Directors of SAD 36, high school principal, music supervisor and all personnel of the grammar school as invited guests.

Superintendent Llewellyn Churchill presented certificates of promotion to the members of the class. Cheerleader letters, basketball awards, and intramural medals were presented to the 8th graders who had earned them. Several 7th graders were also recognized.

The NJCS baseball team had their big bats booming in last week’s action. The team scored a total of 57 runs in two games. NJCS first defeated the Otis “A” team 28-5. Later in the week, they beat the Bombers 27-11. NJCS leads the league at this point with 4 wins and 0 losses.


25 years ago:  

A local man feels so strongly that more options should be available to Maine voters that he has started a third political party in the state.

Steve Martin of Livermore Falls started the State Sovereignty Party a little over a year ago. The party calls for an “extremely reduced role for the federal government, and a return to the days of citizen legislation.”

“Remember the past, look ahead to the future, these are the best of times” was the overall theme of the graduation exercises of the 71 member class of 1990 from Livermore Falls High School.

The excitement of the final moments of high school was tempered by the thought of saying “goodbye” to many classmates.

Overcast skies and threatening rain did nothing to dampen the spirits of Jay’s graduating seniors.


In addition to the awarding of diplomas, 42 scholarships were awarded to graduating seniors as part of the graduation ceremony.

The Fayette Planning Board thought they had a short agenda, but their recent meeting took more than 3 hours due to concerns regarding Christopher Debrossee’s non-conforming well and what the board feels was an excessive cutting of trees.

Mr. Debrossee installed his well near the road front, rather than installing it according to plans approved by the board which called for the well’s placement closer to the waterfront.

Because of the installation, neighbor Randall Hagar is having difficulty with his plans to build on the abutting lot.

The board plans to seek the qualified opinion of someone who will be asked to forecast present and future water quality, and visual impact on the land and lake. The expert will also be asked to make a recommendation for corrective action.

Mr. Debrossee was asked to appear before the board at the next meeting on July 3.

Compiled by Pam Harnden

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