PARIS — The Oxford County Sheriff’s Department responded to 512 calls from May 11 to 26. Among them were:

* At 3:29 p.m. May 25, Sgt. Timothy Holland responded to a complaint that a child’s Camo 125cc Tao Tao four-wheeler had been stolen from a Main Street residence in Peru. Holland is investigating.

* At 9:39 p.m. May 24, Holland was called to a residence on Mountain View Road in Newry to assist a resident who was locked out of the house.

* At 6:49 p.m. May 24, four deputies responded to a 911 call from a West Andrews Hill Road residence in Otisfield after the resident said two young girls, reported as missing, had walked through the woods from their home to the caller’s home a mile and a half away, knocked on their door and said they were lost.

* At 12:34 p.m. May 24, Sgt. Tim Holland investigated complaints that several cars were broken into on Main Street in Peru during the night. Holland said money and personal items were taken.
* At 8:55 a.m. May 24, Deputies Christina McAllister and Andrew Whitney responded to a report from the Songo Pond Road in Albany Township to find a pig trailer that tipped over and posed a traffic hazard. Whitney said he sat with his cruiser’s blue lights flashing until the pigs were put back in a trailer. “No humans or pigs were injured in the accident,” he said.
* At 2:59 a.m. May 24, Sgt. Tim Ontengco and Deputy Michael Halacy responded to the report of an unauthorized bonfire on a tote road off River Road in Hiram for a very large bonfire and underage drinking. The location was checked and all partiers were gone, but they left a large unattended fire which was extinguished by the Hiram Fire Department.
* At 9:47 p.m. May 23, Sgt. Ontengco responded to a Hall Hill Road address in Greenwood at the request of the Greenwood Fire Department, which had extinguished a bonfire and wanted a deputy to check the area for compliance. The case was closed after Ontengco checked the address and the fire remained out.

* At 4:44 p.m. May 17, Cpl. Chris Davis handled a civil complaint on Ramsdell Road in Hebron. He said a family member was moving out and there was a fight over a cable box and a mattress. “I told them they need to be adults and work it out,” he said. He also said that he could not decide who owns items without proof.

* At 9:27 a.m. May 16, Deputy Jeffrey Huston was sent to investigate a report of five signs stolen from the Pine Grove Cemetery on Route 160 in Brownfield. He was later assisted by Sgt. Ontengco.

* At 10 a.m. May 15, Deputy Nathan Bowie responded to a reported traffic accident on Route 26 in Newry and found a motorcycle operator who said he had “brushed a bear in the roadway.” The motorcyclist said he reported the incident, because he was worried the bear was injured after he found blood on his pants. Bowie said there was no reportable damage or injuries. He also checked the area to the Grafton line but didn’t find the bear.

* At 1:32 p.m. May 12, a Vernon Street resident reported the theft of two antique handguns and a battery charger. Sgt. Holland is investigating.

* At 12:24 p.m. May 12, a Grover Hill Road resident reported the theft of two expensive diamond rings from her home. Sgt. Holland is investigating.

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