The reservation for the side room is in Leanne Nelson’s name. People will be responsible for their own order off the menu, which can be seen at the restaurant web site:

Anyone interested in discovering what the NFB is doing at the local and federal level is invited to attend the meeting. Any questions can be directed to Leon Proctor Jr. at 207-212-1456.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: In early March I wrote to you about Passenger’s Rail Restaurant in Norway, which had gone out of business shortly after my son purchased a $50 gift certificate there. You emailed to let me know you had heard from the owners, and gave me an address to mail the certificate to them for reimbursement.

I kept a copy for myself, as you advised, and mailed the certificate on March 11. You also provided me with their email address, When I had not heard anything for two months, on May 10, I sent an email, but have had no response. You had asked me to let you know when I received my refund, but unfortunately, that hasn’t happened yet. — Frustrated with no response.

ANSWER: Sun Spots hopes that the former owners of that restaurant read this or that someone shares this with them and that they get in touch with you. Good luck and thanks for letting Sun Spots know the outcome of your query.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: What is going in the former T.G.I. Fridays restaurant on Turner St. in Auburn? — Wondering in Auburn.


ANSWER: The Sun Journal published an article about this topic recently. An IHOP restaurant “which specializes in pancakes and breakfast fare” has applied for a building permit for that location. The owner plans to open the IHOP restaurant around September.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: I’ve heard that Lewiston public schools will be holding pre-K registration. Can you tell me dates and times? — Mother in Lewiston.

ANSWER: Lewiston public schools are holding pre-K registration now for the 2015-2016 school year. Required documentation at the time of registration includes an official birth certificate (child must be born between Oct. 16, 2010, and Oct. 15, 2011). If the child was not born in the U.S., parents will need to bring an I-94 or green card.

Also needed will be immunization records and proof of residency: driver’s license with school appropriate address, lease or rent agreement, utility bills or mortgage agreement. There are still openings. Call any of these schools for more information:

Farwell, 84 Farwell St., 207-795-4110.

Geiger, 601 College St., 207-795-4160.


Longley, 145 Birch St., 207-795-4120.

Martel, 880 Lisbon St., 207-795-4130.

McMahon, 151 North Temple St., 207-795-4110.

Montello, 407 East Ave., 207-795-4150.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: State historian Earle Shettleworth will give a presentation on the Governor’s mansion and give selected readings from his new book, “The Blaine House,” at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 26, at the Bailey Public Library, Bowdoin St. in Winthrop. The event is free and open to the public. For more information, call 207-377-8673 or visit

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