TURNER — At their regular meeting Monday night, selectmen approved revised Town Beach rules.

The only change was to add a section making it clear that the directives of the attendant are to be followed at all times.

The beach is restricted to residents, who may purchase a beach pass at the Town Office for $12.

The beach will open for the season on Friday, May 22, and will be open daily from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Selectmen accepted Public Works Director John Moultrie’s recommendation to select the bid by Paris Farmers Union in Turner for culvert work. The local supplier stocks culverts in town, reducing the cost of any changes or additions to the order.

Voters approved the purchase of a new front-end loader in the next budget year, starting July 1. The selectmen found a loader meeting the town’s requirements that had only only been used for 261 hours. The $148,000 price was $50,000 under its new price.


With the approval of the board, Selectman Ralph Caldwell purchased the loader and will sell it to the town on July 1.

The state plans to add a 5/8-inch, hot-mix asphalt coat to North Parish Road. The road also is in dire need or repair, with deep ruts and a steep slope. The state has refused to make any repairs beyond the planned asphalt coat but offered to reimburse the town 50 percent of the repair costs. However, the town has no funds for the project.

Moultrie will conduct a traffic count on the road in hopes of having the road’s priority increased.

Town Manager Kurt Schaub reported that Code Enforcement Officer Roger Williams has issued junkyard violations to properties at 1834 Auburn Road, 11 Hutchinson Drive, 497 Plains Road and 388 Upper St. The cleanup deadline is June 6, and he has been instructed to begin court action if the owners fail to bring the properties into compliance.

Moultrie reported that progress is being made on converting to single-sort recycling.

Selectmen agreed to hire a contractor to check stickers and car registrations at the transfer station. Selectman Angelo Terreri said that about half the cars entering the transfer station do not have stickers.

Town Manager Rebecca Allaire said that the free transfer station stickers are available to residents at the Town Office. Proof of residence is required to obtain the sticker.

The replacement bell for the one stolen two years ago has been cast. It will be displayed at the Fourth of July celebration. The bell will be kept in a secure location until a theft-resistant mounting has been built.

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