ANSWER: The Sabattus Memorial Day Parade will begin at 11 a.m. Monday, May 25, at the Sabattus American Legion. The parade will travel Island Road, Main, Elm, Hemlock and Greene streets, ending at the veteran’s monument, where services will be held.
Music will be provided by the Oak Hill Middle School Band with songs provided by Oak Hill High School’s Voices of Color. Following the service, parade participates will return to the legion.
All veterans’ organizations are invited to join the parade as well as local youth organizations. Those interested in participating in the parade should be at the Post no later than 10:30 a.m. For more information, call 207-375-4058 or 207-375-4639.
Sun Spots has already published this information about the parade in the Lewiston-Auburn area: The L & A Veterans Council is presently working to organize the Memorial Day parade and ceremony for 9:30 a.m. Saturday, May 23, through Lewiston and Auburn. The ceremony will start at 10:30 a.m. at the Veterans Park in Lewiston. Anyone interested in participating in the parade should contact Willie Danforth at 207-777-4759.
And Sun Spots has learned about a parade in Rumford: Napoleon Ouellette American Legion Post 24 will hold a parade and ceremonies to mark Memorial Day on May 25. The Legion is inviting all area veterans and military vehicles to participate in the parade.
The parade will begin at 10 a.m. at the American Legion Hall parking lot across from Rite-Aid and proceed onto Portland Street, cross the Memorial Bridge to the Rotary Green and head down Rumford Avenue. From there, the procession will proceed to Waldo Street and onto Lincoln Avenue to the Memorial Green in Mexico.
After the parade, Post 24 will host an open house and provide refreshments for children participating in the parade. If it rains, the ceremony would be in the American Legion Hall in Rumford. Those interested in participating in the parade can call 207-369-0831 or leave a message at the American Legion Hall at 207-369-9053.
Read about the history of Memorial Day:
GOOD BEAUTIFUL MORNING SUN SPOTS: Thank you so much for being a great source of useful information. This is for people who are looking for nonprofit organizations to help through volunteering. We’d love to have folks know about the “Ways to Help … Others, Our Communities, Ourselves” open house at the SeniorsPlus Education Center, 8 Falcon Road, Lewiston, from 10 a.m. to noon Tuesday, May 26.
Many local organizations will be here to let us know what they are looking for: Beacon Hospice, Big Brother Big Sister/Community Concepts, Center for Wisdom’s Women, Lake Auburn Monitoring, Literacy Volunteers-Androscoggin, Red Cross of Maine, SEARCH: Seek Elderly Alone, Renew Courage & Hope, SeniorsPlus, Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Services, Western Maine Transportation Service, and 2-1-1 Maine.
For more information, call us at 207-795-4010. We’ve got information about each organization on our website ( and on our Facebook page ( Thanks again! — SeniorsPlus Education Center Coordinator Sue Holmes.
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