NEWRY — Selectmen will convene a special town meeting at 6 p.m. Tuesday, May 19, to authorize selectmen to enter a three-year road maintenance contract. The meeting will be held in the Town Office.

After electing a moderator, voters will be asked to authorize the board to sign a contract to provide summer and winter road maintenance on terms and conditions selectmen decide are in the town’s best interest.

Selectmen will meet at 5 p.m. and are expected to sign a contract for year-round road maintenance for three years and a contract for the Letter S road reconstruction project. The Letter S project calls for reconstructing a stretch of Sunday River Road between Nordic Knoll subdivision and the Letter S swimming hole.

Under old business, the board will continue work on its bylaws, the new Road Committee, switching from a January to December fiscal year, the cable television franchise fees, the Planning Board’s proposed fees, and the Tri-Town Transfer Station.

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