Teams of four players compete against other teams in 30-minute rounds, using the regular rules of Scrabble. To participate, teams must register (in various categories) and then collect pledges for Literacy Volunteers.
The top fundraisers choose from an array of prizes. Door prizes, refreshments and word games during the breaks make it a fun-filled afternoon.
If you are interested, contact Literacy Volunteers for an information packet and to get started on forming a team. Phone 207-333-4785 or email for more details. — Tahlia Chamberlain, Auburn.
Visit for more information about this organization.
DEAR SUN SPOTS: History Buff and others who read your column may be interested to know that Freeport Historical Society plans to offer walking tours of downtown Freeport on select Saturdays this summer, and we offer “ghost tours” of Freeport cemeteries at Halloween, in which local actors portray figures of historic importance. Last year’s apparitions included sea captains, civil war soldiers and poets.
For information on any of our programs (the walking tour schedule has not yet been finalized) visit our website, Thank you. — James Myall, executive director.
DEAR SUN SPOTS: We are at wits’ end. Our home is on a dirt road in Auburn. A neighbor from a tarred road nearby walks her dog at least twice a day to do its business. She never picks up the poop. Instead she and her husband kick it off the road or use a stick to send it into our woods or the woods across the street. Day, night, rain, snow — it doesn’t matter what the weather conditions, they don’t pick up the refuse. We have spoken nicely to her several times and her husband, too, but the offensive behavior continues. I’m sure we’re not the only ones in Auburn with this problem. What recourses do we have against this litterer? — At wits’ end, Auburn.
ANSWER: Cities take the problem of dog owners not picking up dog excrement seriously because the waste poses a health hazard to humans and the environment. The city of Auburn, Maine’s Code of Ordinances, which was updated online on April 24, 2015 and is available to view online at, states: Sec. 8-72. — Disposal of excrement. All manure and other excrement shall be disposed of in such a manner so as to prevent it from becoming a public nuisance or health hazard. With regard to dogs on public or private property, other than the owner’s, the owner shall be responsible for the immediate removal of excrement. (Ord. of 10-1-2007(2), § 14-41).
Sun Spots called Auburn city hall and learned that you should talk to the animal control officer by calling 207-784-7331 and selecting option 1. Perhaps other readers with a similar problem can share what has worked for them.
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