ANSWER: Sun Spots tweeted to Lindsay Liepman (@LindsayKEYETV) and she replied: “I’m down in #Texas now but she can always watch our newscast here. We stream it live @keyetv.” You can check it out online at

To answer your second question, yes, Meghan had her baby; she had a boy in early April.

You can watch a video of the introduction of Meghan’s son on the day he was born on WMTW8:

DEAR SUN SPOTS: I think CMMC should turn St. Joseph’s Church into an Irish Heritage Center. I think it was built by Irish-Americans and designed by one. St. Joseph’s is a nice church and it would be sad to see it torn down.

Do you know of any plans to add more speed limit signs on the Vietnam Veterans Bridge? Too many people speed over the bridge going close to 60, not the 45 speed limit. Or maybe a “reduced speed ahead” sign at the end of the bridge would help. Thank you. — No Name, Lewiston.

ANSWER: You should send your suggestion about St. Joseph’s Church to CMMC, Public Relations Department, 300 Main St., Lewiston, Maine 04240 or call 207-795-2475.


There’s a Facebook page at that shares photos of the church that you might enjoy.

To find an answer to your second question about the speed on the bridge, Sun Spots called the Maine Department of Transportation at 207-624-3000 and received this information from one of the engineers: “The area in question is approximately one mile long. We do not space speed limit signs closer than that if there are no intersecting roadways where additional traffic can get on, so adding additional speed limit signs is not something we are looking at.

“As for reduced speed, we normally only install those signs if the change in speed is on a curve or hidden by a knoll or 15 mph or more. This is a 10-mile reduction and the speed limit signs are visible in both directions for an extensive distance. Most issues with speed aren’t going to be solved with additional signs; it would take additional enforcement to get drivers to drive at a more prudent speed. I hope that answers the question.”

DEAR SUN SPOTS: In doing some heavy-duty downsizing, there are a few items that we’ve chosen to part with in hopes that others can use them. Would anyone know of a person or group who can use older fur coats or fur collars for recycling projects? We have several coats and one collar. We also have a small container of wool yarn in various colors that could be used for small repairs or projects. We appreciate any direction offered, since it seems a shame to just throw these things away. — Call 207-783-0022.

ANSWER: Some animal organizations that handle rescued wildlife use donated fur coats for wild baby animals. Try calling the Maine Wildlife Park at 56 Game Farm Rd. in Gray at 207-657-4977 and press 0 to talk to someone in the office to see if they need your fur coats and collars. You can also try the Greater Androscoggin Humane Society on Strawberry Ave. in Lewiston at 207-783-2311 to see if they have a need for these items.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: I’m having a hard time finding a basic pattern for adult knitted slippers using regular yarn. Any help would be appreicated. — Yvonne 207-784-0595.

ANSWER: Recently, Sun Spots answered a similar question from a reader looking for a knit pattern. Have you checked at Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft Store ( and Hobby Lobby (, both in Auburn? They both sell knit pattern books.

Use the QR code to go to Sun Spots online for additional information and links. This column is for you, our readers. It is for your questions and comments. There are only two rules: You must write to the column and sign your name (we won’t use it if you ask us not to). Please include your phone number. Letters will not be returned or answered by mail, and telephone calls will not be accepted. Your letters will appear as quickly as space allows. Address them to Sun Spots, P.O. Box 4400, Lewiston, ME 04243-4400. Inquiries can be emailed to, tweeted @SJ_SunSpots or posted on the Sun Spots facebook page at This column can also be read online at We’ve joined Pinterest at

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