LIVERMORE FALLS — The annual History Night & Cruise-In is back May 22.

The Jay-Livermore-Livermore Falls Chamber of Commerce has agreed to sponsor the event and carry insurance for it, Bob Berry, president of the Livermore Falls Downtown Betterment Group, said.

The chamber needs financial help to cover the unexpected expenses, he said.

The betterment group normally sponsors History Night but had to cancel it last month after Livermore Falls selectmen declined to put a warrant article on the June ballot asking voters if they wanted to raise $1,000 for the group. The group learned recently that it was no longer able to be covered under the town’s insurance because of policy changes.

“The outpouring of community support for the group and for History Night, the Spruce Mountain Sled-in, Cleanup Day, and the myriad of other functions the group performs has been staggering, humbling and very much appreciated,” Berry said in a news release. “History Night in particular is a beloved and well-attended event in our downtown.”

The event, created by late historian Dennis Stires, takes place the Friday night before Memorial Day.


“The public outcry to bring History Night back has been overwhelming,” Berry said.

Organizer Kenny Jacques was approached by many people who offered support to make History Night happen, he said.

Jacques said he approached the executive board of the chamber to see what it could do to help History Night continue.

The board voted Friday to sponsor the event and set up an account for it, he said. A lot of people offered financial assistance to help continue the night, Jacques said.

Among the activities scheduled are historical displays, tractor rides, music, food and antique vehicles.

The Downtown Betterment Group will not be able to help as an organization, and Jacques cannot do it alone, Berry said.


As an organization in distress with dwindling finances, decreasing participation and increasing costs, the group will decide whether the nonprofit organization will continue at its board meeting May 12.

The group is very appreciative that the chamber has agreed to take on the event and insurance, he said.

History Night will be held from 4 to 8 p.m. May 22 in downtown Livermore Falls.

The event is very important for people, young and old in Jay, Livermore and Livermore Falls, Jacques said.

Bessey Designs will host a Jay and Livermore Falls sports memorabilia display at its store on Depot Street. Coach Chris Bessey has started talking about a sports museum and Hall of Fame for the area, Jacques said. Anyone that may have sports memorabilia is asked to check with Bessey at the store.

They will also be looking to have more events for children this year, he said. Jan Gill and Dan LaBonte, both music teachers in Regional School Unit 73, will have students performing. Matt & the Barn Burners will also perform at the Lamb Block. Jason Gibbs will give tractor rides. Bailey Bros. Inc., a Ford dealership, will put on a Drive 4 Ur Community to benefit the Area Youth Sports organization, Jacques said.

Volunteers are needed as well as donations to help the chamber cover the expenses for History Night & Cruise-In, Berry said.

If anyone wishes to support, donate financially or volunteer time for History Night, they are asked to call the chamber’s Administrative Assistant Regina Cote at 207-897-6755.

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