I cannot find my instructions now. Does anyone have this pattern to share with me? I’d so much appreciate it since I’m going to be a great-grandmother soon. Thank you in advance. Call 207-225-3109. — Linda in Turner.
ANSWER: Have you checked at Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft Store (http://www.joann.com/) and Hobby Lobby (http://shop.hobbylobby.com/), both in Auburn? They both sell knit pattern books for baby clothing.
HELLO SUN SPOTS: I am replying to a Sun Spots article from March 18 (https://stage.sunjournal.com/news/sun-spots/2015/03/18/reader-wants-locate-1968-auburn-airport-crash-site/1668354) from Pauline Taylor who was trying to reach Dr. Charles Branch in regards to a plane crash in 1968 where her father had died.
I worked as a medical secretary for Dr. Branch at that time. He was the chief medical examiner for the state of Maine. Dr. Branch died many years ago.
At the time of the plane crash, he was 70 years old. Please contact the office of the chief medical examiner at the State House in Augusta. I am sure that they can retrieve the files from that 1968 plane crash. Good luck! — Kathleen Cyr, Lewiston.
RESPONSE: Sun Spots printed a reader’s response and more information about this query. Here: https://stage.sunjournal.com/news/sun-spots/2015/03/20/volunteers-coat-trees-prizes-needed-gown-giveaway/1668364
SUN SPOTS: I enjoy your column. Read it daily. Please help me. I am looking for the owner of Hair Benders on Sabattus St. in Lewiston. I think her name was Pat. I could be wrong. It was open in the 1980s. Is she still working someplace cutting hair? Or is there any way I can make an appointment with her?
She is the only one who knows how to feather hair the correct way. Please answer as soon as possible as I need a hair cut by next week. Tuesday. Sorry for the short notice. Thank you again. — No Name in Lewiston.
ANSWER: Sun Spots did not publish the first part of your letter because the information you shared about someone else, a deceased Vietnam veteran, is not information that was requested in an earlier Sun Spots query. The person who earlier had asked for the public’s help was seeking photos for the Vietnam War Memorial project.
As for the second part of your letter which is published here, when someone writes in to Sun Spots and expects an answer they need to supply contact information that can be shared publicly. You asked for your name and phone number to be kept private.
DEAR SUN SPOTS: In response to a reader’s query as to where to buy farm-made butter, a good place to find dairy butter is Smedberg’s Crystal Spring Farm, 1408 Main St., Route 26 in Oxford. The farm is located half way between Hannafords and Walmart on Rt. 26. — Sun Spots reader via online submission form.
Use the QR code to go to Sun Spots online for additional information and links. This column is for you, our readers. It is for your questions and comments. There are only two rules: You must write to the column and sign your name (we won’t use it if you ask us not to). Please include your phone number. Letters will not be returned or answered by mail, and telephone calls will not be accepted. Your letters will appear as quickly as space allows. Address them to Sun Spots, P.O. Box 4400, Lewiston, ME 04243-4400. Inquiries can be emailed to sunspots@sunjournal.com, tweeted @SJ_SunSpots or posted on the Sun Spots facebook page at facebook.com/SunJournalSunSpots. This column can also be read online at sunjournal.com/sunspots. We’ve joined Pinterest at http://pinterest.com/sj_sunspots.
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