She later married Jack Anderson and had three more children, Horace, Gladys, and Walter and they lived in Dallas Plantation (Rangeley). Her children from this marriage are buried in Rangeley and Phillips and it was thought that she was buried in Phillips but that is not the case. There is a connection to Turner as the children appear to have been born there.

I am wondering if anyone knows if Jack or Nellie (or both) are buried in the Turner-Auburn area as I can find nothing. I am at a loss as to where to look and have gotten nowhere in trying to find her burial site. Maybe a descendent will see this and be able to help me. Thank you. — Betsy Andrews Graves at

ANSWER: Have you visited the Lewiston and Auburn public libraries? Both have genealogy resources that might provide an answer to your question.

Online resources include:

Maine Genealogy Net

Access Genealogy


LinkedIn has 13 entries listed as genealogists in the Lewiston-Auburn area.

Lewiston Public Library

Maine Franco Genealogy Library

Auburn Public Library genealogy section

DEAR SUN SPOTS: The Mechanic Falls Historical Society wants to learn more about Albert Lord, horseshoe champion. Lord was a Mechanic Falls resident who achieved recognition in Maine, New England and national horseshoe championship tournaments. Internet research has produced minimal results, namely a photo of Lord and a list of his achievements from the New England Hall of Fame. That list ends in 1979.

Lord competed in national tournaments in the 1980s. And that’s the information we want to find out about. Ironically, the Mechanic Falls Historical Society is sponsoring a horseshoe competition in Mechanic Falls at this town’s Community Day festival on Saturday, June 6. When we proposed the idea, news came to us about Lord and his status in the horseshoe competition. So we thought it only fitting that we learn more about Albert Lord. Please contact Eriks Petersons with the Mechanic Falls Historical Society at or 207-345-3134.


ANSWER: From the Lewiston Daily Sun 1980 archives:,2433697&hl=en

From the Lewiston Daily Sun 1975 archives:,3562244&hl=en

Horseshoe Digest 1970:

DEAR SUN SPOTS: I would like to take this opportunity to publicly recognize ca$h coalition and thank KC, Carol and all the volunteers who gave of their time and knowledge during the past tax season. The team at the Armory certainly went above and beyond to help in getting people the credits they deserved. I personally am so grateful for this free service.

I also have a 1979 Lisbon High School ring and have tried unsuccessfully for the past couple years to return it to the owner. It has a blue stone with initials D. E. G. It was found at Fenmore’s Strawberry years ago. Thanks for all you do! — Dot McAtee, Lewiston.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: In addition to all the listings given by Sun Spots in Wednesday, April 22nd edition, No Name in South Paris should know that we have purchased excellent homemade butter at Rose Beck Farm at 486 East Oxford Rd. in South Paris. Good luck and enjoy! — D. Herrick, No Town.

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