Unfortunately, I have no access to a computer and funds are at an all-time low. If anyone out there would be willing to re-string her bracelet, in the correct order, I would be forever grateful and so would she! Thanks so much! P.S. My day would not be complete without reading Sun Spots. Your column, and you and Mr. Sun Spots are beyond wonderful! — Please call me, Susan Jalbert, at 207-576-9625.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: I would like information on construction on Mollison Way in Lewiston. I never saw a permit to build such a massive enterprise. While driving by, I couldn’t fully read the sign, it looked like residential facility for seniors.

You do such a great job of finding out what is going on around the city. Thank you. I read you faithfully each day before I do the puzzle. — No Name, Lewiston.

ANSWER: An application was submitted on Oct. 20, 2014, by Thayer Engineering Co. on behalf of Woodlands Senior Living of Lewiston LLC for the construction of a 64-bed Alzheimer facility at 45 Mollison Way.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: Many thanks for your piece on towns in Maine with names of foreign countries. In my unpublished satire, “The Shores of Eniam,” (the army of Maine conquers the world), I had occasion to examine United States geography. To my amazement and wonder, Mexico, where I was born, is one of four Mexicos in the U.S. The others are in New York, Indiana, and Missouri.

Do you want spooky? These four towns all lie on a straight line. So maybe something other than admiration for foreigners is in play. Twilight zone, anyone? I extended my “Mexico line” and reached the state of New Mexico and then, of course, Mexico the country.


In the opposite direction, there was nothing, unless “Murmansk” is Russian for “Mexico.” I later was told by a Pennsylvanian that there are two Mexicos in Pennsylvania. Anyone have any thoughts on the Mexico line? — Frank Steele, Lewiston.

RESPONSE: Sun Spots found one town/city named Mexico in Pennsylvania, Maine, Missouri, Indiana, New York, and Mexico Beach, Florida. Your “Mexico line” is interesting. Let’s see what our readers think about it.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: Would any of your readers be able to recommend any type of food processor that, along with the regular features, would also be able to pulverize dry herbs such as rosemary, to a powder? My old Cuisinart processor and a blender haven’t been up to the challenge. Thanks! — Same Old Grind.

ANSWER: Sun Spots wonders if you have tried an electric spice, herb and coffee grinder? They can grind whole coffee beans into a fine powder as well as spices and herbs. Krups, Cuisinart and Waring all sell these small appliances. Blenders are best for mixtures that include a liquid.

This column is for you, our readers. It is for your questions and comments. There are only two rules: You must write to the column and sign your name (we won’t use it if you ask us not to). Please include your phone number. Letters will not be returned or answered by mail, and telephone calls will not be accepted. Your letters will appear as quickly as space allows. Address them to Sun Spots, P.O. Box 4400, Lewiston, ME 04243-4400. Inquiries can be emailed to sunspots@sunjournal.com, tweeted @SJ_SunSpots or posted on the Sun Spots facebook page at facebook.com/SunJournalSunSpots. This column can also be read online at sunjournal.com/sunspots. We’ve joined Pinterest at http://pinterest.com/sj_sunspots.

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