The self-proclaimed pro-Dixfield and not anti-wind selectmen continue to go against the vote of the citizens. They again are proposing another anti-wind ordinance for June elections. This ordinance is basically the same ordinance that was defeated in November 2014.

The original ordinance of 2012 called for nighttime sound levels of 45 decibels. The state of Maine dropped the nighttime sound level to 42 but the selectmen refuse to change the 35 decibel level on the currently proposed ordinance back to 42.

Where does the 35 decibel come from? From anti-wind websites and other anti-wind ordinances.

What is 35 decibels? It is between a library whisper at 30 and a refrigerator at 40.

Selectmen continue their bias with their selection of new Planning Board members, overlooking the existing alternate and selecting two anti-wind candidates from people applying.

With the ordinance of 2012, the selectboard understood democratic principles and ethics. Members stated they would go with the vote of the people. The present selectmen let their personal biases outweigh democratic principles (vote of the people).

They have no ethics.

Grayson Child, Dixfield

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