FARMINGTON — Franklin County Budget Committee members are requesting county commissioners adopt a policy that would give the committee the authority to set commissioners’ compensation packages at the end of each fiscal year.

Commissioners would still have the sole authority of setting compensation for county employees, whether elected or appointed and not covered by Maine statute, with the exception of their own.

Commissioners will take up the committee’s proposal at 9 a.m. Tuesday, April 7, at the commissioners’ office in Farmington.

The committee met March 26 with six of the nine members in attendance to put the policy together, John Calloway, chairman of the Budget Committee, said Monday. Those in attendance supported the proposed policy, he said. He polled the other three and they were also, he said.

The meeting was not announced to the public as required under the Maine Freedom of Access Act because of an oversight at the commissioners’ office, county Clerk Julie Magoon said.

Under the panel’s proposed policy, the “Budget Committee may, at its discretion, make any changes to the commissioners’ compensation providing that any changes (affect) all commissioners equally.”


Commission Chairman Gary McGrane said in an email Monday night, “Aside from overseeing the budget the Commissioners are the policy makers for the county. The budget committees responsibility is to examine, make recommendations, take public comment, and pass a responsible budget that best serves the needs of the citizens in Franklin County.

“If the budget committee wishes to become involved with making policy they can do a number of things,” he said.

1. Make recommendations to the Maine legislature and change the law;

2. Make recommendations to the county commissioners; and

3. Develop a County Charter that more defines the duties and responsibilities of public officials; or

4. Run for county commissioner and become a policymaker.


“Aside from that I am not sure what legal authority the county budget committee may have regarding setting county policy,” he wrote.

Commissioners are slated to begin review of a proposed 2015-16 county budget April 21. The budget is still being put together.

The Budget Committee cut flex-benefits for commissioners in half in June 2012 during the 2012-13 budget process.

During the county budget process, once commissioners set a budget, it moves on to the committee for review. Once that panel sets a budget, it goes back to commissioners to review. Commissioners would have to vote unanimously to send any changes back to the committee. That panel would need a two-thirds majority to change its approved budget.

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