Before the fair

  • Update your resume and have someone review it for you.
  • Create a business card with your name, email, phone and LinkedIn link/address.
  • Research the businesses that are scheduled to be at the fair.
  • Prepare for interview-like conversations with employers, use the ONET or My Skills My Future websites to help you define your skills, knowledge areas and abilities: or
  • Dress and groom as if you are going to a job interview: dress to impress.
  • Contact your local CareerCenter for additional information/assistance:

At the fair

  • Attend by yourself: do not bring family and friends (unless they are job searching as well), children, pets, etc.—think of a job fair as an interview.
  • Take a moment to orient yourself to the environment. Review the layout and think about how you want to navigate the room. Prioritize employers you want to meet. Some tables may have lines of people waiting to speak to the recruiter; wait in line patiently, your turn will come.
  • When you step up to the table, remember that first impressions are lasting:
  • Smile. It shows confidence and encourages conversation
  • Extend a confident handshake and introduce yourself
  • Offer your resume and/or business card
  • Be prepared to have an “interview-like” conversation: talk about your skills, knowledge areas and abilities.
  • Ask for a business card from the employer.
  • Ask about the next steps in the application process. If the employer suggests that you call or apply on-line, make every effort to do so within 24 hours.
  • Many employers will have “give-aways.” It is okay to take one, but don’t grab too many or make it look like you are “shopping” for your kids and grandkids.
  • Before you walk away from the table, shake their hand and say “thank you.”
  • Monitor your energy levels — act with enthusiasm and show you are interested.

After the fair

  • Within 24 hours, apply for the positions that interested you.
  • Keep in mind that employers may meet hundreds of people at the fair. In order to make your first impression “stick,” follow up on your job leads
  • Use the business cards you collected to write a follow-up letter or email.
  • Remind them that you met them at the job fair (name the date and location of the fair) and thank them for the information that they shared with you.
  • Restate your qualifications and interest in the position. Include a copy of your resume.
  • Follow up phone calls are often effective. However, don’t call employers that indicate “no phone calls please” and don’t harass an employer by calling more than once—unless, of course, directed by the employer to do otherwise.

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