Contrary to a story in the Sun Journal (March 18), the Board of Selectpersons did not unanimously authorize single stream and pay-as-you-throw waste recycling programs to start Oct. 1, 2015. They authorized the start of the amendment process to the existing ordinance.

The ordinance process entails writing rules, regulations, etc., to be voted on by Rangeley citizens. If the residents vote down the new ordinance, the old one remains.

Nothing changes unless residents vote to change.

Why change? The answer is to save change — yes, real money.

With less than one-third the cost of tipping fees (disposal cost per ton) and 40 percent savings on transportation costs, recycling does make sense (and cents).

Making recycling convenient, fast and simple is what single stream recycling is about and why the Board of Selectpersons would like an opportunity to implement that and reduce costs.


A single stream recycling program, in conjunction with a PAYT program, has proven to increase the recycling rate, lowering overall costs throughout Maine.

In upcoming segments, residents’ questions will be addressed. What is great about those programs is that residents don’t have to participate. People just pay-as-you-throw.

Residents will have opportunities to attend informational meetings, ask questions, seek answers, question the whys and the why-nots of those programs.

Answers will not be found in the coffee shops. People need to attend meetings and be informed.

In the meantime, keep recycling.

Traci Pitt, administrative assistant, Rangeley

Editor’s note: The Sun Journal printed a correction in the March 27 edition. We apologize for the error.

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