SULLIVAN  —  Animal control officers in Sullivan are trying to figure out where nine dead goats came from. According to WGME 13, the dead animals included seven newborns that were lined up in a row in the town near Bar Harbor.

The dead goats were found on top of the snow just 20 feet off the road. The adult female appeared to have just given birth, and all seven newborns were lined up in a row as if someone placed them there. The adult male appeared to have been attacked by a coyote. 

Michael Soule, a Maine Guide who lives five miles away, was driving down the road ten days ago, saw footprints, and went to check it out.

“I went up over the bank and looked around and I see some tracks and I saw what I thought was a deer,” Soule told WGME. It turned out to be the adult male goat. Two days ago, he went back and found the female goat and the seven newborns lying dead in the snow. Some of the babies had hay in their mouths.

“Wow. That is what kind of really irritates me because they know I live in there and they dumped them on the side of the road. And I really didn’t want to go up and see those little babies too. They were cute,” Soule said. 

A Maine State Game Warden examined the scene and a local animal control officer is investigating, but would not give any details about that investigation. State Police said no criminal act has been confirmed yet. But whoever is responsible could be charged with illegally dumping carcasses or, possibly, cruelty to animals.

A local veterinarian said those seven newborns must have different mothers, and a farmer likely placed them there. The vet also speculated the newborns are male and far less valuable than female goats, who produce milk.

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