LEWISTON — Two weeks ago, Veronica Cedre strung white lights and tulle around a room and hung up dozens of white wedding dresses. She decked out another space in a rainbow of bridesmaids gowns, hung mirrors and dressed mannequins.

After a burst pipe abruptly closed Terry and Veronica’s Bridal Fashions on Lisbon Street, known locally as just Terry’s Bridal Fashions for 30-plus years, daughter Veronica is going solo.

She’s opened Veronica’s Creations behind Sarah Jeanne’s day spa and salon at 77 Sabattus St. Cedre has run a shop out of her home in Greene by the same name for 30 years. She plans to keep up both.

Cedre learned her seamstress skills as a teen from her mom, Rosa Orjaloles. Sometimes mistaken as namesake Terry, Orjaloles actually named Terry’s Bridal after one of her other daughters. She started the shop about 50 years ago in New York. The two worked together for decades. Orjaloles saw the burst pipe and damaged inventory as a good time to retire, Cedre said.

But for Cedre, 55, there’s a whole lot more to sew.

Her specialty is custom designs: Western wedding dresses with fringe and a length designed to show off the bride’s cowboy boots. Flower girls’ dresses ringed with flower petals. Prom dresses with peeks of camouflage.


On one swatch card: 10 different camo colors and themes to choose from. Pink. Purple. Traditional. Winter with snow and sticks.

“Camo-flash — it is the biggest thing,” Cedre said.

She makes gowns, suits, vests, shawls and veils. 

“There’s no ending to my madness,” Cedre said. “If they have their own design, they come to me.”

Some brides bring sketches or magazine clippings, or even mom’s old gown in need of a modern look and fit. Custom wedding gowns start at $399, custom prom gowns at $299.

The other half of her business is alterations.


Cedre said she’ll gauge the new shop’s traffic before deciding if she’ll continue to work with large retailers for catalog orders on gowns.

In the new shop, her already-designed dresses on the racks range from size 4 to 24. Cedre also carries jewelry and other accessories.

“I did a whole custom wedding medieval this year,” Cedre said. Blue and silver dresses. Lace-front shirts for the men. “I love creating. I love being a seamstress. It’s my passion in life.”  

Cedre plans a grand opening Monday for the new Lewiston location. It’s open Monday to Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Her Greene shop is open Tuesday and Thursday 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Wednesday and Friday 4:30 to 7 p.m.

Even though she’s officially on her own, sisters Ursula, Terry and Mercedes will fill in on Tuesdays and Thursdays when she can’t be in both places at once.

“They are amazing,” Cedre said. “Without them, life wouldn’t be the same, amazing sisters.” 


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